
Communication mastery: Lessons from Hollywood storytelling

We're joining the Institute of Internal Communication for their Festival 2024 on 12-13 June to share how film storytelling techniques can be used for your brand.

Marketing Director
9 May

Hollywood storylines are some of the best...but why?

We're joining the Institute of Internal Communication for their IoIC Festival 2024 on 12-13 June to share how film storytelling techniques can be used for your brand.

On day two in the Festival Learning Zone, we'll be running a 40-minute fun-packed, high energy, yet brilliantly insightful workshop that lifts some of the best storytelling techniques from Hollywood’s finest storysmiths and gives you some practical ways to help your brand find and tell stories that stick with your audiences.

In a world of shortening attention spans, when the stakes are high because engagement must be measurable and cutting through the noise of wall to wall uninspiring content is your daily challenge, you find yourselves in the same dilemma as any major movie mogul. How to create something unforgettable? 

The power and skill is always in finding the right story and telling it in a way that hits the desired target, resonates completely and brings your messages to life so everyone can see exactly what’s important in an intensely memorable way:

This workshop will crack open the secrets of the silver screen and show you how to:

*  Hook 'em like Spielberg: Learn the art of the killer opening that grabs attention faster than a runaway T-Rex
* Unleash your inner Wonder Woman: Discover how relatable characters and pulse-pounding conflict can turn passive viewers into passionate fans
* Paint with pixels, not platitudes: Ditch the boring jargon and paint vivid pictures with sensory details that transport your audience to your brand's world.

Three takeaways from the session:

1. Actionable story templates to craft their own Oscar-worthy narratives
2. Fresh perspectives to make their brand the talk of the town (and beyond)
3. The confidence to ditch the dull and embrace the dazzling in their storytelling.

Session Title: Communication mastery: Lessons from Hollywood storytelling

Zone: Festival Learning Zone

Date/Time: 11.10am – 11.50am BST, 13 June 2024 ‐ 40 mins

Details of the event and how to book on the IoIC website are here.

The interactive session will be run by two of our senior team:

🔵 Rob Steeles - Creative Partner

Rob Steeles brings over 25 years’ experience of leading creative departments at AMV BBDO, McCann World Group, Kin+Carta, and Eleven Miles, shaping some of the world’s best-known brands, as well as an impressive background in crafting compelling stories for, B2C, B2B, and internal clients. 

Rob believes it's become obvious to marketers that what matters today isn’t what you make, it’s the stories you tell, and how and where you choose to tell them. A creative with a strategic approach, he always looks to tap into people’s emotions to create unforgettable, highly effective content. 

🔴 Sally Nettleton - Co-Founder

With a background in theatre, sketch writing and stand-up comedy, along with over fifteen years writing, directing and producing corporate film. Sally is a natural stage performer with a deep understanding of what connects with audiences and makes a compelling story. As a coach, she works with speakers to design and refine their speeches and as an NLP practitioner, understands the power and use of language to shape our thinking. She loves working with people to develop their skills and discover new strengths and talents.

Katharine Hepburn gif by Giphy

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